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How to Determine Your SEO Return on Investment? – Shark Bite [Video]

White Shark Media

8 years ago



It’s no secret that SEO is one of the most profitable ways to market online. The coveted first place in the Google SERPs can reap huge rewards and great ROI.

But, how do we know if our SEO efforts are working? The answer depends on your business model and industry vertical. Check out our three elements for figuring the ROI for your particular SEO.

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Video Transcription

Depending on what’s valuable for your business, there are several ways we can measure SEO return. Let’s take a look at some of them:

  • Calculating the number of customers filling out the contact forms.
  • Installing phone tracking systems for customers calling your ad.
  • Using landing pages to collect lead conversions.

However, none of these are standard for all businesses and industry verticals. And oftentimes most clients are very unpredictable, so unless you go ahead and ask every single client what they did and why – this may take too much of your time and theirs – how do you know if your SEO efforts are actually making a difference?

We recommend you take a step back and implement the following three elements to measure the return of your SEO efforts.

Part one, determine your conversions and set a goal for them. 

Setting up conversion value is the most challenging and crucial step. A conversion could be an email registration for a webinar session, demo sign up, or email opt-in.

Part two, the cost of investment in SEO efforts.

This could be a percentage of the salary of the person or people on staff that are doing your SEO. It can also be the amount of money spent on the agency that is doing your SEO campaign.

Part three, the increase in organic traffic since SEO efforts were implemented.

Make note of all your customer interactions before you start implementing SEO into your marketing efforts. Then, keep track of your customers’ interactions with your website afterward. This way you can prove that what you’re doing is making a difference in your business, or not.

Once you have analyzed those three elements, you’ll have a much better idea of your SEO return of investment.

That’s all for today folks. See you next time.

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