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2020 Digital Advertising Guide: Where Your Business Needs To Be

Antonella Saravia

4 years ago



As you can imagine, more people at home means more people “surfing the net” as they used to say. While mobile used to be king, COVID-19 and social distance have altered certain behaviors, which is why we’ve put this short digital advertising guide together.

Furthermore, in an effort to stay connected, social media activity has increased significantly. Most of us have been invited to celebrate a Zoom birthday bash by now.

All these are positive points for your digital marketing efforts. We’ve reviewed the various online advertising platforms where businesses can display their brands. Also, we’ve analyzed how each of them can impact performance.

Use Facebook Ads to Boost Your Online Marketing Presence

Facebook is the top social media channel used by digital marketers.

Given Facebook’s reach and endless content, it’s a great digital advertising platform to feature your ads. Users can scroll for days on end without getting off. Additionally, the massive reach and audience targeting capabilities (age, interests, tendencies, and location) are easy to leverage.

Moreover, your ad investment is measurable. You will be able to monitor the impressions, clicks, and conversions for each of your online advertising campaigns. Besides, the network offers remarketing features to reconnect with consumers who have shown some interest in the past.

Another reason to leverage Facebook Ads is the ability to increase your SEO ranking. To explain, engagement will be flagged by search engines. So, shares, likes, and comments, on your posts will work overtime.

Promote Brands with Microsoft Advertising and Google Ads 

Microsoft Advertising

Our teams have long encouraged partners to invest in Microsoft Advertising for their digital marketing campaigns.

With 70% of people in lockdown due to COVID-19 and searching more from their desktops, you should know that Microsoft Advertising controls 36% of the US desktop search market. In addition, many users use both Google and Microsoft-powered search engines across their devices. Besides, there are 66 million Americans who rely solely on Microsoft -powered engines to search online. That’s a whole lotta search!

The numbers aren’t as surprising when you learn that Microsoft Windows is dominant among desktop and laptop users.

To boot, the Microsoft network powers voice searches on Cortana and Alexa. With no signs of decreasing, especially with everyone juggling things at home, voice search is expected to increase in the next year.

Lastly, and most importantly, the Microsoft Advertising platform offers online marketers a less crowded space to display their ads. Time and time again, we’ve reminded our partners that fewer competition means lower costs.

To add, time has proved that Microsoft Advertising clicks tend to cost less than their Google Ads counterpart.

For example, if you type: “dermatologist” into Google Adwords, it will suggest a top of page bid of $6.22.

Google Keyword Planner

The same exercise on Microsoft’s Keyword Planner, you will get a bid of $1.54.

Microsoft Keyword Planner

Google Ads

It’s impossible (and foolish!) to overlook Google Ads’ massive reach. The Google search engine handles an obscene 2+ trillion searches per year. That’s over 5 billion searches per day.  Indeed, no one can afford to miss out on more than 50% of online consumers that can be found on Google. 

Digital Advertising Guide TIP! Pairing Google Ads with Microsoft Advertising is the perfect mix for any business!

Google’s Display Network serves ads across a whopping +2 million websites. Clearly your brand will reach a wide range of smart devices through searches and users. 

The Google Display Network also includes the Youtube platform. This has been referred to as the “top of the funnel” online marketing solution. Mainly because YouTube ads help buyers make decisions by addressing doubts and details. 

With 3 billion searches per month, YouTube’s user-friendliness, combined with the soaring popularity of video content, has made it the second largest search engine behind Google.


Varying placements will improve exposure and drive better relationships with the audience.

Our strategists have provided the digital advertising guide above based on general stats and experience. Observing your audience’s needs will better define which platforms will work best for each business, but these are extremely important for your online advertising mix. 

To stay informed, subscribe to our blog. Also, feel free to download our Google Ads excel sheet to make your PPC processes more efficient.