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How Bad Reviews Lead to Better Practices; an Example by White Shark Media

Antonella Saravia

3 years ago



There is no such thing as a complaint-free business or industry. Through complaining customers and rectifying dissatisfaction, teams uncover weaknesses and determine where to invest their efforts.

For our team, 2021 is a continuation of a client-centric approach we’ve been fine-tuning for some time now. All departments have allocated time and resources to achieve this.

Our team has long evaluated White Shark Media’s reviews on Yelp for this very reason. A set of old reviews resulted in a low rating on the platform a while back and flagged our attention.

At the time, our team focused on the unhappy customers and how their comments offered insight into fixing some of our go-to’s. This practice strengthened the foundation of our white label PPC services.

A closer look revealed that some of our processes were out-of-date and that our team needed to invest more into engaging with our clients. Though many were standard industry practices, we took the opportunity to listen to our customers and adapted to methods that were more to their liking.

So, what did they have to say that made us get up out of our chairs? Below are some of the reviews that we learned from and ended up shaping our current methodology.

Cold Calls

The Issue: “Your sales team doesn’t stop calling me and uses tricky ways to catch my attention.”

It’s safe to say that we are all happy that the cold call era is behind us. Before sales teams realized this, the recipients found themselves annoyed. Because it was a form of sales, there was also little control over sales personnel on how they managed to get their reader’s attention.

We get it, and since then have shifted to touching base with potential customers more helpfully and casually. Processes get the right information to the right people in the most appropriate way.

As a white label PPC agency, White Shark Media’s priority is to make every encounter with our team a pleasant one. Strategists and sales invest a load in creating content so that when our sales representatives do reach out to you, they are providing value to the experience.

Our Solution:

Our new PPC agency approach includes less intrusive methods that align with user-friendly touchpoints:

  • Outbound sales were replaced with inbound sales
  • Sales trainings were implemented to help educate and manage the methods that representatives were using to get their client’s attention
  • QA practices are now provided to Sales teams to help ensure that they are being clear and avoiding previous mistakes

Poor Communication

The Issue: “Poor client communication from our fulfillment team.”

In everyday life, misinterpretations lead to drama. The same rules apply at the office. When communications fall short, parties and clients are left feeling that there is a lack of transparency and interest.

No digital PPC agency wants their clients to feel this way. These are the sort of feelings that can create doubts in your team’s credibility and ability to follow through.

Because PPC agency services are highly technical, it will be of great importance that your fulfillment team communicates what each deliverable means, how it will be delivered, when, and who.

Operating as a white label PPC agency, our teams encourage digital marketing agencies to be straight-forward about issues from the get-go, and you’ll find that most clients work with your team to solve them.

As a white label PPC agency, we understand that the fulfillment process tends to be a speedy one; we went through our share of eager clients pushing to launch campaigns before we had everything grouped, but teams will have to stick to methods to avoid issues later on. This practice means detailed instructions, explicit descriptions, and scheduled deliverables no matter what.

Our Solution:

Though we’ve invested in cultivating more precise dialogue and advanced interpersonal skills, we also have created the technology to support everyday tasks and account management.

Our direct clients use our Client Portal. This new CRM integrated with Salesforce helps teams stay on top of our expected deliverables and share each completed task with their clients.

Our WSM Portal offers increased transparency, where customers can review everything that is going on in their account, from account optimizations to monthly reports and FAQ. Also, within our Customer Portal, customers can submit account or information requests that automatically show up in our strategists’ dashboards for faster turn-around-times on inquiries and account changes.

When a strategist is out, our Portal allows another strategist to take over and maintain turn-around time without interrupting service.

Our team schedules monthly status calls to discuss the account results, account strategy, feedback on the leads generated, growth opportunities, and any significant events/promotions coming up. These calls ensure we have the right plan in place that aligns with our customers.

Also, we’ve streamlined a lot of our other processes by including technology, which means that our strategists are now more efficient when it comes to communicating with our customers.

Finally, customer centricity and customer happiness are our main focuses for the year. Since last year, we have sent out monthly CSATs and created a platform where customers have a chance to provide us with feedback continually, so we take action as soon as possible.

Campaign Performance

The Issue: “Poor campaign performance.”

Complaints like these are the hardest to fix because of the nature of PPC.

Though we are experts in our field, it is not an exact science. PPC is an extremely powerful tool, but it renders differently for every account. Moreover, it varies by market, region, and season. As we learned in 2020, unprecedented factors fluctuate a campaign performance and consumer behavior.

Getting an essential read of campaign performance with limited insight requires at least three months of data. If a client isn’t on board with the timeline, it is challenging for them to understand the potential features over time.

We often conclude that these issues point to a lack of communication. Teams must inform their clients of how the PPC process works and communicate the reasons behind each strategy. That way, clients can trust that it’s a matter of time before they begin to achieve the campaign objectives and provide results.

Our Solution:

It took time, but each of these contributed to the design of our PPC blueprint. Our Product Managers test new features, synchronize weekly, and leverage SWOT analysis practices to find areas of improvement within clients’ accounts.

To strengthen the base, a market research team (SMAs, proposals), to fortify more resources for solid strategies before launching campaigns. This helps establish a long-lasting foundation from day one.

Our smaller teams of Digital Marketing Strategists and Managers make it easier to connect and dedicate time to each team member and corresponding accounts.

So, now that you know how it started, here’s a look at how it’s going:

New Reviews
New Reviews
New Reviews


We’re sticking with our initial claim–there no such thing as a complaint-free business or industry. However, our time in the digital sector and as an established business has taught us that these pain points help us be better.

The err in mistakes is allowing them to haunt you. We encourage our team and our partners to use them to their advantage to transform.

As a white label PPC agency, we’re extremely proud of our current methods and offers which are a direct result of the points mentioned above.

Having issues with bad reviews or stages in the sales process? Learn how to turn them around, reach out to one of our consultants for 1-1 calls.