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The Future Of PPC & Bing (Ask Us Anything!)

White Shark Media

7 years ago



PPC has come under fire lately, especially as algorithms are updated and mobile takes center stage for search engine marketing. However, PPC is far from dead – it’s simply going through an evolution, as is natural for any piece of technology or tool. The future of PPC is actually quite bright, and will bring increasing competition within the search engine industry. Read on to discover what upcoming developments might just be the news your brand needs to catapult its success to the next level!

PPC’s Future

The future of PPC is, as we said, up to anyone’s guess, but there are a few trends we can already see developing, and they point to bigger changes.

Mobile Is King

The first is the most obvious: mobile is finally here, after years of pundits saying it was about to happen. Both Bing and Google and both putting a huge amount of effort into ensuring that their PPC platforms are optimized for mobile devices, and the time is up for advertisers to step up to the plate. Ads will be shown on mobile whether you’re ready or not, so the prudent brand will factor in the new requirements for getting consumers’ attention.

Give Me More

Google and Bing, the two most popular search engines, both rolled out expanded text ads in the fall of last year. What does this mean long term? To us, it seems like a move away from “tagline” type advertisements, and more towards advertisements that appear more organic, and allow the viewer to learn more before they commit to a click – which not only saves them time, but save you, the advertiser, your bid money.

The Competition Is On!

Lastly, the competition between Google and Bing is definitely on, with Bing’s growth rate increasing at almost the exact same rate Google’s is decreasing. We’re expecting Bing to rise to prominence in the coming months and years, especially as consumers demand more options for every aspect of their lives. We may also see smaller search engines get more attention – but for those, it’s anyone’s guess!

How You Can Harness It

The best way to make the most of these upcoming trends is, as usual, to start working with them before your competitors do!

To find real success in 2017, don’t limit yourself to the shrinking population in Google Ads – start working with Bing Ads as soon as possible, and exploit the lower rates and competition on the platform before it’s all gone. As a bonus, you’ll be an expert before many of your competitors have even gotten started.

Want to ask Bing Ads their advice, in person? Now you can!

On March 7th, 2017 at 11:00 AM EST., join us as we learn from Purna Virji, Senior Manager of PPC Training at Microsoft, and PPC Hero’s #1 Most Influential PPC Expert Globally. She’ll first deliver a talk on the future of Bing Ads and PPC as an industry, and then get into the nitty gritty details of how you can craft incredibly effective, efficient campaigns on Bing. You’ll hear first hand how Bing is taking on mobile and expanded text ads, and get tips and tricks on how to make sure your brand is the one consumers click on!

RSVP Here!

Make sure you save your place today, as this webinar will sell out and space is going fast! Directly following the event, Purna Virji will be available for a Q&A session to address your brand’s individual needs.

At White Shark Media, we’re always helping our clients make the best decisions for their online marketing and advertising needs. A motto you hear bouncing around a lot in our offices is, “there’s no time like the present to conquer the future!”

We hope you’ll join us for this very special webinar event, and we’ll make sure to keep bringing in the experts of your dreams!