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6 Bing Ads Unique Benefits You Need to Know About – Shark Bite [Video]

White Shark Media

8 years ago



Google AdWords is the best outlet for PPC advertising. Right? Well, the truth is that this is not always the case. You may be missing out on another platform that could enhance your marketing strategy.

Listen to this Shark Bite, in which Andrew enlightens our knowledge about Bing Ads by telling us 6 truths about them that most people don’t know.

Don’t miss out on what could possibly be the piece of information that will turn your strategy around. After learning these truths, you can determine whether or not Bing Ads is just what you need!

Thanks for watching, See you next time!

Video Transcription

When someone mentions Bing Ads, it’s typically not like the most popular thing that you mention out there in terms of advertising. However, Bing Ads have come a very long way since it first started.

People Are Actually Searching on Bing

There is this misconception out there that nobody uses Bing, and that’s because you don’t really realize all the places where Bing actually exists. Because they’ve tried to focus on not just using the search box, but incorporating Bing where you actually use it.

What this means is through initiatives like the integration of Bing into devices like, iPhone, Windows phone, Xbox, Kindle Fire, etc, then you’ll automatically search on Bing whenever you search on any of these devices. Also, Bing has partnered with a lot of major websites like Web MD or the Wall Street Journal, that all use the Bing search engine directly on their sites.

The Biggest Difference Between Google and Bing is the Audience

Yes, Google has more searches than Bing does, but Bing has people who don’t use Google as their search engine, at all. So it’s more about taking advantage of Bing in the way that you get those unique searchers than just saying, “Ah, I need 10 million more people that can access my ads”.

The searchers on Bing are demographically a little older, they have higher income, they’re more educated, and there are slightly more females searching on Bing than Google. If this describes the audience that you’re targeting to sell your product, then you know that adding Bing to your marketing efforts will improve your results.

Bing is a Lot Stronger in Some Industries than Others

For instance, in travel and financial services, inside retail and inside the auto, Bing has a lot more searchers than they do, for instance, inside the locksmith industry. The following graph illustrates the Bing network and the industries that receive the most traffic. If you recognize that your business is part of any of these industries, then by all means you should be on Bing.

These are the people that search for your industry and are not using any other search engine to look for what they need. In addition to the unique audience that Bing has, then you can also look at the cost per click, which in many industries is lower on Bing than on Google.

Bing Ads Offers Much More Transparency and Control of Your Campaigns

Bing provides tools like Share of Voice, Historic Quality Score, and tablet modifiers. It also gives you the option to separate search partners for targeting. One of the big talking points over the last couple of years have been tablet targeting and Google AdWords, or more like the lack of. On Bing, they have allowed you to set specific bids for tablets. So you can set a bid that’s specific to the ROI that you’re receiving for tablets instead of just lumping it together with desktops.

The historic quality score provides an overlook of your quality score by aligning to see how it fluctuates every day. Using this, you can pinpoint how it changes in optimizations you have made in your account have impacted your quality score. You can see this data directly in the keyword performance report inside the Bing Ads interface.

Bing Ads is Very Committed to Becoming a Strong Contender to Google AdWords

When we first started looking at Bing a couple of years ago, for real again after they had dropped off the map, we were very surprised to see many of the changes they had rolled out and in the last year specifically, all the events we’ve gone to, Bing has really stepped it up. And we really feel that they are a very strong contender to Google AdWords with their specific, unique capabilities.

Some of the features that Bing has implemented is, for instance, they have made a big improvement of conversion tracking with the launch of universal event tracking. And they’ve simplified device targeting to go in line with the enhanced campaigns on AdWords without losing the tablet modifier that I talked about before.

The Bing Ads Transition is not Difficult

Yes, there are some insufficient things that aren’t quite the same, but Bing has taken the strategy of just mimicking the same interface that you’re used to in Google AdWords. And uploading important campaigns to Bing is very easy, so it’s a breeze to get started. The moral of the story today, don’t underestimate Bing.

This Could Be What You’re Looking For

Be proactive and take advantage of the unique audience that’s searching on Bing. That’s it for today. Thank you for watching, and I’ll see you next time.

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