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Get the Most out of Your Mother’s Day PPC Campaigns

White Shark Media

5 years ago



Mother’s Day is just around the corner! Have you purchased her gift? Do you have the proper marketing strategy set in place for one of the biggest holidays in the e-commerce world? After all, 87% of Americans celebrate Mother’s Day. As a business owner, this is a valuable opportunity to grow your revenue.

If you aren’t prepared, don’t fret, we got you. I will share five tips that will help your business take full advantage of the Mother’s Day traffic.


Use ad extensions for more visibility


Promotion Extensions

Whether you are an e-commerce or lead gen business owner, you want to make sure you provide enough visibility for your Mother Day’s promotions. Promotion extensions shorten the buying funnel. How? Because it gives the promotion details right there on the ad. The customer no longer needs to browse your website for the promotion information.


Promotion Extensions for Shipping




Promotions Extensions for Search



Use countdowns to create a sense of urgency. This is customizable and will automatically adjust as you get closer to the end date of the promotion.


Expand your ad schedule to adjust for irregular shopping trend

As we get closer to any holiday, purchase patterns tend to shift. You want to make sure your store is always available for those last minute customers who purchase at 4am. With that in mind,  you need to adjust your advertising budget since for higher traffic volume. We recommend increasing your daily budget by at least 30% approximately two to three weeks before Mother’s Day.


This is an example of a 24/7 ad schedule.



Grow your keyword list based on popular & seasonal searches.

If you have a search campaign, your audience may be looking for Mother’s Day discounts. The searches they use to find a “bargain” might vary.

For example, let’s say you sell Nike shoes. On any other day of the year (that is not a holiday)  a common search might be “Nike shoes for sale.” However, since people expect discounts for the upcoming holiday, a search may look more like this: “Mother’s Day discounts on Nike shoes.”

Below are a few Mother’s Day keyword ideas:



Returning visitors

Not all website visitors convert on their first visit. Initially, they may be researching gift ideas or comparing your prices to your competitors. This is an ideal opportunity for remarketing for search and display to lure them back in.


Remarketing display

Remarketing display is a captivating way to create awareness of your promotions to your previous website visitors. You want to make sure you have as much exposure as possible when your audience browses the internet to find the perfect gift. I also recommend creating two or three different display ads; one more look more appealing to a specific user than another.




Remarketing Search

Convey a stronger promotional message on your RLSA ads. These are people that have already visited your site; you need to make a tempting offer to get them to come back to your website and make a purchase.



Capitalize on Increased Mobile Traffic

On Bing, 45% of the searches related to Mother’s Day are made on smartphones. As mentioned before, mobile traffic is essential. Nowadays, people are always  “on the go,” and they want to have the most relevant information as fast as possible. Make the proper bid adjustments for mobile so that your mobile ads stay above that 2nd position.



Make the Most of Mother’s Day

Taking advantage of holiday promotions is essential. Applying these PPC tips to your strategy is worth the investment and can have an impact on your business. To learn about more adjustments that you could be utilizing, reach out to one of our representatives today.





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