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Creating AdWords Campaigns for U.S. Hispanics – Shark Bite [Video]

White Shark Media

8 years ago



In order to help our readers connect with Hispanic buyers, we have created a series of Hispanic marketing guides – starting with AdWords.

Did you know that 17% of the population in the US are Hispanics? That’s a staggering 53 million people. This figure has grown by 50% since 2000. How can you leverage this demographic?

Check out the first video of our Hispanic series as I walk you through consumer insights, the Hispanic paradox, and AdWords best practices.

Video Transcription

In case you haven’t heard, the bilingual, Hispanic market of the US is a missed opportunity for countless businesses.

Don’t miss these expert tips to help you get your AdWords campaign ready to reach the largest ethnic group in the US with this all-inclusive guide.

1) U.S. Hispanic Consumer Behavior: How Do You Reach Them?
You may assume translating your website is a simple way to massively increase your audience. However, recent studies show the language Digital Hispanics use in real life does not define the language of the content they prefer online.


US Hispanics are comfortable with English online. So, how can you reach Hispanics in a meaningful way? Through culture.

Cultural signals, like food, family, and traditions, resonate with U.S. Hispanics online regardless of language and age.

For example, “Gallo Pinto”, a traditional Central American dish made of rice and beans would cause a powerful emotional appeal for Hispanics from that area.

2) Search Volume: Does This Demographic Fit Your Business?

From our experience and for the time being, Cost per Clicks in Spanish are notoriously less expensive than those in English. This is a great advantage!


However, this is also a disadvantage. The reason Spanish keywords are less expensive is that they are low in search volume.

To counter this and use it to your benefit, make sure you will have enough traffic to search in Spanish. This brings me to Section 3. 

3) Prime Time Locations: Where Can You Find Search Volume for Spanish Keywords?
Before jumping into the Hispanic niche, check out your area using the AdWords Keyword Planner to see what keywords are important to your geographical area.


Our research has revealed the top 10 states for achieving success with the Hispanic population, are Florida, Georgia, Texas, Colorado, California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Arizona, and New Mexico.

4) Quick Optimization Tips: What Are Some Hispanic AdWords Best Practices?

Always separate your campaign by different languages. This is to make sure your regular campaigns remain unaffected.


Turn on multiple languages in your campaign settings. This is to make sure you are reaching everyone, no matter what language their search settings are in.

Prioritize your mobile strategy. Studies have show Hispanics are 20% more likely to search on their phones than non-Hispanics. Bidding higher on mobile, and creating mobile-specific ads or Call-Only campaigns could prove very successful.

We hope this video has been of value to you. That’s all for today!

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