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Top 3 Mistakes Lawyers Make on Their PPC Campaigns

White Shark Media

6 years ago



Advertising online can be expensive these days, especially for attorneys. Adapting to trends and industry shifts that sometimes happen in a blink of an eye is not an easy task, and many law firms don’t have a dedicated marketing team.

In this post, we will go over the top three mistakes lawyers make when trying to manage PPC campaigns on their own. While some mistakes can be categorized as “accidents,” others are just the result of a lack of PPC experience or misuse of best practices.

There is no guarantee for success in digital marketing, but avoiding these mistakes will definitely benefit the overall health of your campaigns, give you an advantage over the competition, and most importantly, will help keep your bank account safe.

Mistake #1: Ineffective Keyword Selection

Keywords must be researched thoroughly before you create your campaigns and place your ads. In most cases, keywords that are too broad or too competitive are the reason PPC campaigns fail.

You can utilize keyword tools to determine the keywords clients are typing into Google when looking for the kind of service you provide. There are many effective tools out there that can help during the research phase, some are free and some are paid. One of them is the free Keyword Planner tool in AdWords itself. This tool helps you see how often specific keywords are searched for in your area and to get a rough cost-per-click estimate.

The key to success on your keyword selection is to stay focused. To remain focused, it is important to ask the question: What types of cases produce the most revenue for your firm? Or, what area of practice would you like to expand upon this year?

When you have a limited budget, you need to stick to advertising for one or two areas of practice before expanding your campaigns to cover all your services. This is the fastest way to actually see good results from your advertising efforts.

Another key aspect of keyword selection is to choose the best keywords based on the user’s intent. For example, if your focus is domestic violence, would you rather have your ad show for “domestic violence” or “domestic violence attorney”?

The right answer is the second choice, as this keyword already shows buying intent. When someone is already searching for an attorney, they are more likely to become a client than someone that is just searching “domestic violence” who might only be looking for information about the topic.

Mistake #2 Not Writing Effective Ad Copy with Consistent, Compelling Landing Pages

In addition to selecting the correct keywords, you need to find ways to stand out like writing ads that are noticeable.

You don’t have a whole lot of space to write a great ad, so you need to use what you have wisely to get the idea across.

Don’t focus on how great you are! I’m sure that information is all over your website, so just let them find out once they click the ad. Instead, try to answer the users’ questions with your ad. Tell your potential clients how you’ll help them and assure them you can get them the outcome they need.

Make it local. For most potential clients, a local law firm is always better than something in an unknown location. Target individual locations with your campaigns so your ads can be more relevant, written for each one individually.

Try to avoid formal or technical writing. While this is required for your legal documents, it is not the most effective way of winning over your local leads. Your ads should be written in a professional manner that is relatable to the audience you serve.

Today, many people need the services of a lawyer. The market is becoming increasingly saturated, making it harder for any one law firm to make the case that they should represent a client. Attracting new clients to your law firm depends on how you showcase what you have to offer, making sure that whoever is searching for your services can see it. Speak to them loud and clear.

Getting their attention is only the first part of it. Now that they chose your ad over the competition, it is important to have consistent and compelling landing pages. The landing page is the real first impression of your law firm, and it is what will make or break the deal when it comes to getting that phone call or contact form from your potential clients.

If they searched for a specific service, you want to make sure that they are able to find all the information they need as soon as they reach your website. It is recommended to have specific service pages to increase the quality of the campaign and also provide a better user experience on the site.

Mistake #3 Not Tracking Leads or Outsourcing Your PPC Management

Setting up a basic PPC campaign is a piece of cake, but things can get complex over time when you start seeing all the data and the numbers, and you have to make adjustments to optimize and manage it.

The benefit of outsourcing your PPC campaigns to agencies is that you get a dedicated team of PPC management experts with access to all the necessary tools and resources, so you don’t have to worry about monitoring and managing any of it.

Some of the tools that agencies have access to are conversion tracking tools. It is vital to track contact forms and phone calls (which are the most common forms of contact from potential clients through the website). Know where they are coming from and how they’re being triggered.

These tools help you determine how much revenue your campaign accounts for, and will also provide the necessary information to perform effective optimizations that will make a difference in the performance and increase the ROI.

It is best to avoid expensive mistakes and maximize your profitability. One small mistake in your PPC campaigns can cost you a lot, and one wrong step can make your whole campaign spiral out of control.

Just let the experts do the work! This will also increase your productivity since you can focus on what matters the most and what you are really good at – business development strategies, closing the deals, and signing new clients!

Final Thoughts

Your PPC campaigns can work and bring in a lot of revenue if you just remember the tips we discussed:

  • Keywords should be chosen wisely.
  • Great ads are will drive traffic to your website if they are compelling and link to relevant landing pages potential clients will find useful.
  • Hire a professional to manage your accounts and keep track of your leads.

When you have these strategies in place and an expert PPC partner on your side, you’re sure to see an increase in both the number of contacts you receive and the number of clients you bring in. Your law firm will be on its way to more revenue than ever before!


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