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How to Increase Your Conversions in Google AdWords with Smarter Keywords

White Shark Media

7 years ago



For most businesses that advertise online, the conversion is synonymous with success. After all, this means that advertising efforts have not only driven site visits but also sparked engagements, including email sign-ups, appointment bookings, etc. Although on paper, running programs through AdWords looks easy, it can be one of the most frustrating endeavors for business owners new to digital marketing.

As the entry point to your pipeline, keywords are one of the most crucial elements of your digital marketing. Not only does it require quite a bit of patience in establishing an efficient system for trial and error, but it also defines the entirety of your potential customer’s experience. And while this all may seem slightly nit-picky in the grand scheme of things, it’s actually going to be one of the biggest factors in driving revenue towards your business.

The Nuts and Bolts on Keywords

Keywords are essentially commonly used phrases while searching for a product or service. For example, if I’m looking for a place to repair an Audi in Oklahoma City, searching “Audi Oklahoma City” will most likely take me to a dealer, whereas “Audi repair Oklahoma City” might provide better results. However, this isn’t always the case, as some folks bid to having keywords match results, even if they aren’t the best place to go.

Essentially using keywords correctly boils down to a few things: first, you have to understand the specificity of what you’re after. Going back to our Audi repair example, searching for “Import car repair” might be too broad, while “Audi repair” might still lead to a dealer. However, if there’s a common problem or model that a repair shop might specialize in, then it’d be advantageous to target those (I.E.: 06 Audi exhaust repair Oklahoma City).

Another thing to consider is coming up with a variety of terms for SEO. This goes back to the trial and error testing we mentioned above, as the goal here is to specifically target what you’re good at/offering in comparison to your competition. Part of this also comes down to how you’ve designed your pipeline, as well as how you measure conversions. However, this shouldn’t be cause for concern, as we’ve figured out a few ways to help hone these down to having all-star results.

Getting Down to The Nitty-Gritty

A few months ago, we had a client who was having a tough time breaking out from the competition in the plastic surgery world. Despite being Harvard trained and even founding the Plastic Surgery Center of Boston, Christopher Davidson M.D. was having difficulty getting new clients into the door.

His problem wasn’t necessarily his experience or insufficient word of mouth mentions, but rather, he was failing to target his online efforts in the right direction. First, he lacked a method to track calls or submission forms conversions. Second, he was spending entirely too much per conversion, making his efforts more expensive and time-consuming than they were worth. And finally, his previous campaigns lacked a sense of specificity regarding which types of plastic surgery people were seeking.

One of the first things we did was set Christopher’s practice up with a way of tracking how and where people heard about his practice. From there, we broke down his campaigns into a few different services he offered; honing in on which ones he should be promoting that will receive the highest ROI. Once we were able to acquire which terms worked out the best, our process then took us through geocentric terms to drive home the best keywords for conversion. The result? Conversions increased by almost 400% and conversion costs decreased by 82%.

By utilizing a process that went after the most key points to the practice’s benefits and opportunity, we were able to truly make a difference in helping them acquire more customers. With a calendar that’s completely booked up, the Plastic Surgery Center is off and running to success, with big thanks to their improved digital marketing efforts.

If you’re interested in learning more about how you can increase your conversions too, I highly recommend you check out the case study below on how White Shark Media helped Christopher’s practice become one of the most popular in Boston.