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How to Outrank Your Competitors’ PPC Ads

White Shark Media

7 years ago



What’s the first thing you do when you’re looking for a new vendor, place to eat or even a dentist? You probably search for the best option in either Google or Bing. As a business owner, you know consumers and prospects are doing the same thing – which is why it’s so infuriating that your competitors keep outranking you. This can be especially frustrating when it comes to PPC ads – which you’re paying to show up for your audience.

But PPC is about more than just feeding money into a machine. In order to get the most out of it, you’ll need to utilize a few SEO tricks.

Here’s how to outrank your competition in every search engine:

Measure What You Care About

The first step is to start tracking your visitors and click-throughs. The best way to get started doing this is to install a software like Google Analytics, which will allow you to look at the demographics of your visitors, where they’re coming from and what pages on your site are of the most interest to them. From this information, you’ll be able to create more targeted, relevant PPC ads. These more relevant ads will draw more qualified leads – and the process will quickly snowball until your ads are more effective than you could have possibly hoped originally.

Keep Your Eye on the Target

The keywords you pick for your PPC campaign act as its targeting system – so pick wisely. Look through your existing data, but also look at what keywords your competitors are serving. Knowing the latter serves two purposes:

  • Knowing the top keywords for your industry will help you start learning which ones work best for you.
  • Knowing which keywords industry leaders already have dominated will allow you to make a choice between increasing your budget enough to usurp them, or find other keywords more specific to your particular audience – and less expensive.

The next step is finding your negative keywords. This means that after you figure out what potential leads are looking for, it’s time to figure out what’s bringing false leads and bounces to your site – and use those negative keywords to prevent your budget from being wasted on them.

Case Study: Broker’s LLC

Broker’s LLC, a real estate agency that focuses on selling homes to international buyers, came to White Shark Media with a goal of significantly driving up their conversions, traffic, and, ultimately, success. However, with such a difficult audience to target, they needed a well thought out and thorough plan if they wanted to actually succeed.

We started with a comprehensive analytics installation and study, from which we were able to get a much better idea of who their ideal lead was. We used the information that was gathered through Google Analytics and our call and conversion tracking systems, and built a comprehensive keyword list – including negative keywords. The final touch? Completely revamped, highly attractive advertising content specifically targeting their niche.

The results were quite impressive. A few of our improvements include:

  • 121% increase in site traffic
  • 271% increase in conversion rate
  • 49% decrease in cost per conversion

These same metrics can also be done for your company. To read the entire case study, download it here. Reach out today to get started!

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