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Tools Update: Consolidating AdInsights and Optimizer

Antonella Saravia

4 years ago



Earlier this year, White Shark Media launched two signature PPC technology products: AdInsights and the Optimizer. 

AdInsights audits all your Google or Microsoft Accounts in minutes while the Optimizer provides detailed instructions to optimize your PPC account and achieve a specific goal. While each tool works great on its own, our product team continued to work on making each more efficient. This inevitably led to consolidating functions. 

We’re excited to announce that AdInsights and Optimizer are now one. You can start using them today on a refreshed UI, with several under-the-hood improvements. Read on to learn about the new features.

A great new feature for agencies is the Org Administrators. Instead of going on the website, organizations will be able to create accounts for users directly in the application. Administrators will be able to view all companies and audits of their organization regardless of their owner. 

Separately, sharing will now be easier than ever before with Enhanced Sharing Options. This will first be available to agency teams with a large number of users. Soon after, you’ll be able to add clients and external personnel. 

Moreover, the Optimizer will now allow you to group campaigns to share common objectives like Branding, Calls, Shopping across your Google and Bing accounts. This new feature called Monitor KPIs with Campaign Groups lets you set campaign goals and keep track of how they perform throughout the month. 

Multiple Under-the-Hood Improvements

Last but not least, we’ve also rolled out numerous enhancements across the board to improve user experience, bring a more cohesive user interface, and provide faster data downloads.


AdInsights by White Shark Media was built for marketing agencies and end-advertisers. If you haven’t signed up for this tool, click here and give it a try!

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