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Our Top 5 Posts of 2014

White Shark Media

9 years ago



What have you learned about online marketing this year? I bet you are exhausted just from reading that question. And you are probably right; online marketing is exhausting, but never dull. Trends and brand new shiny features rollout just when you thought you had it all nailed down. Thankfully, we at White Shark Media love to keep up, and share with you all that we know.

As the year nears its end, we want to recap the best posts on our blog for 2014. Hopefully, our blog has been able to shed some light on you during the times you have felt lost or confused throughout this year. So sitdown, relax and let our best posts sink in.

Our Series Were a Big Hit

Our “Typical AdWords Mistakes Series” were on fire this year. Campaign settings and negative keywords seem to be the areas that our readers feel they need most help with. Our two blog posts provide a comprehensive overview on how to overcome the most common mistakes made when setting up PPC campaigns.

Free Call Tracking For All!

Earlier this year, Google began to offer 100% free call tracking. Yes, that’s right. So how does this affect you as an advertiser, how can you take advantage of it and how can you set it up? So many questions and this post has all the answers.

We Helped You Bring Your Costs Down

If there is one thing we all love, is finding out ways to spend less and get more. This post delivers 6 powerful ways to lower your CPC in AdWords, how awesome is that? Just keep in mind that a low CPC should not be your end goal. Your end goal should always be to meet the needs of your potential customers to induce conversions.

We Worked With What We Had

Got a small budget? No worries, in this post, you can learn 4 tips to make the most of it. A campaign that is properly structured and regularly optimized  could potentially yield even better results than a poorly managed, high-budget campaign.

We Figured Out Why Your Website Was Not Converting.

Your campaign is doing well, your metrics are good, so why on earth are you not getting the business you want? Your Website is probably the reason. In this post, we go over 5 surprising reasons your website is not converting, and of course, how to fix it.

And It Doesn’t Stop There

This year, we thought of a fun new way of sharing our best tips and best practices with you, enter Shark Bites. Shark Bites are short videos explaining a topic briefly. We are looking to cover everything from the basics to the newest features in online marketing and hope you are finding them useful. Here’s our first Shark Bite about using remarketing to supercharge your AdWords campaigns.

Last But Not Least

Thank you for reading our blog and making it possible for us to share it with you. Feel free to reach out to us with your comments or questions. Happy Holidays, we look forward to a 2015 full of quality content, hope you do too 🙂