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71 Ad Tests You Can Try in Your AdWords Campaigns Today [Infographic]

White Shark Media

11 years ago



One of the keys to achieving success with AdWords is through constant split-testing your ads. There have been published numerous case studies of split-testing AdWords ads with high performance-boosts to follow.

Even though we all agree on the importance of testing the ads in AdWords, even I can get lost when looking for new ideas after performing a dozen or more split tests per ad group.

To better help myself and other AdWords professionals at White Shark Media, we decided to create the ultimate list of ideas you can use for split-testing AdWords ads. The end result is no less than 71 different ad tests you can try in your AdWords campaigns immediately. Hopefully, each ad test that we recommend in this infographic will spawn 5 or more ideas for how you can make a custom test for your unique campaigns.

At White Shark Media we think split-testing ads is very important and this infographic has been a great way for both new and more experienced professionals to keep performing tests.

71 different ad tests you can try in your AdWords campaigns - White Shark Media Blog


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