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Maximize Your Conversion Value with Smart Shopping Campaigns

Ana Aragon

5 years ago



Are you using Google’s standard Shopping campaigns? Wouldn’t it be great to have a simplified way of managing them and maximize conversions? That’s exactly what Google’s Smart Shopping Campaigns can do for you!

This campaign subtype combines standard Shopping and display remarketing campaigns, and uses automated bidding and ad placement to promote your products and business across networks.

At White Shark Media, we have been test driving Smart Shopping campaigns since they were launched, and the results we have seen are amazing!

Here is an example of one of our client’s results after switching from standard Shopping to a Smart Shopping Campaign as well as optimizing their audiences, ad schedule and product feed. The difference in conversions is notable- a 415% increase.



Do you want expert advice on how to set up Smart Shopping Campaigns and grow your business ROI? Contact us and we will be happy to assist you!

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