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Maximize Your Marketing Results With a Customized MarTech Stack

Miguel Saballos

2 years ago



Nowadays, technology has become an essential part of our lives and jobs. The marketing industry is no different. From planning to implementation, technology has completely transformed every advertising management component.

When it comes to the current marketing landscape, technology is more important than ever since it is one of the main drivers for financial growth in almost every company. This is why we can see how many companies and agencies continue to embrace MarTech Systems. As a matter of fact, you can find some stats like the ones shown below that prove how MarTech has become of paramount importance in the marketing industry.

MarTech Stats

To scale your agency in this industry, you not only need to embrace marketing technology but also to ensure that you have a MarTech Stack tailored to your needs. In this post, you will learn how a Marketing Technology Stack is composed and which are the main MarTech categories.

Steps to Build a MarTech Stack

1. Identify Your Goals

Before looking for the systems you want in your MarTech stack, you need to list all the strategies you want to implement and which channels you will be using. Then you’ll have to analyze these strategies and determine which are more challenging or take more resources to complete.

If you already have a marketing plan and know the main challenges that your team has, you can start looking for solutions that might help your team with every strategy.

Let’s see an example.

Suppose that your strategy is to generate new leads through PPC campaigns for all the accounts in your portfolio. The problem is that you do not have enough people to manage and optimize these campaigns adequately. With an automation tool, you can easily get rid of this problem.

Instead of having your team struggling to be on top of each campaign, you can just have them set up your automation system, which will take less time and effort. And also, your campaigns will be all set up for success.

If this is a challenge your team experiences, take a look at our AdInsights Tool.

6 Ways to Improve Google Ads Ad Relevance & Quality Score

2. Research Systems That You Could Include in Your Stack

Once you have your marketing plan ready and you know which strategies you will implement and the possible challenges you might face, you can start looking for the right solutions. If you manage a team with different responsibilities, you can delegate this task to them.

Some important aspects to take into account when evaluating a new system are:

  • Product Features
  • Pricing
  • Reviews
  • Subscription Plan

3. Establish a Budget

Once you have determined which systems you want in your MarTech Stack, you need to start thinking about the budget you will need for this. You can either allot your funds by strategy, tool, tools package, or by a period of time. If you choose a period of time, you can go on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis.

By selecting a tools package, you could save money, invest less time, and gain access to a wider MarTech Stack. You can check our Compass package to learn more about this.

Compass Tool

4. Assign a Team to Compile the Data and Manage Your Systems

As soon as you get access to your MarTech Stack, you can associate the existing data you have to start generating reports, analyzing the data, and making improvements to your current marketing plan.

After setting up your marketing solutions, you can finish by preparing your team members to operate these systems and get the most out of them.

4. Analyze Your Systems’ Success

It’s imperative that you constantly audit your marketing solutions for their success. Below, you can find some valid points to consider when evaluating your MarTech Stack effectiveness.

  • Accuracy – Make sure all the information, analysis, and reports generated from your systems are 100% accurate.
  • Timelines – Ensure that your tasks are being completed faster by using your systems than before when your team executed them.
  • Workflows Streamlining – Assess the effectiveness and efficiency of every task to ensure that these tasks are done correctly and that they are being simplified for your team.
  • Workforce Needs – One of the main benefits of using MarTech systems is managing more tasks without hiring more people. So always keep this in mind to ensure that your stack brings positive results to your agency.

Marketing Technology Categories

Now that you know all the aspects to consider for selecting the suitable systems for your MarTech stack, let’s review the main types of marketing solutions. By knowing the main categories, you will easily determine which types of systems are aligned with your marketing strategies.

WSM Compass MarTech

Content Creation & Management

These systems help you create, manage and edit the company’s content and tell a coherent story about your brand. The strategies that can align with these solutions are Video Marketing, Email Marketing, SEO, and Display Content. With these systems, you can also manage multiple content types at a scale. This is extremely useful, taking into account the numerous advertising channels available.

Marketing Automation

This is the ideal solution for strategies based on email channels. It helps automate and systemize tasks while also gathering relevant data related to your prospect´s behavior so then you can make optimal adjustments to your strategy design.

Lead Management

With this type of system, you can manage your prospect pipeline in a scalable way in which you can gather insights to potentialize your sales enablement process. These insights can be related to the content, communication process, pricing, or any other hints that might add value to your sales pitch.

If you want to dive deeper into Lead Management Systems, check our video below.

6 Ways to Improve Google Ads Ad Relevance & Quality Score

Data Management

Marketing reporting might become complex due to the number of channels and campaigns usually managed simultaneously.

With a data management system, you can extract data from diverse databases, and analyze the information in the way that best suits you. And on top of all that, you can generate more accurate reports in a matter of minutes.

It’s Time to Create Your Own Stack

Now that you know why having a complete MarTech Stack is so important and which are the elements that you need to consider to build one tailored to your needs, it’s your turn to do it and start enjoying all the advantages like saving time, money, and streamlining your workflows.

Keep in mind that you can always get support from digital marketing experts to help you implement your marketing plans and guide you to get the best out of MarTech solutions.