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Is Your PPC Strategy Prepped For Voice Search in PPC Campaigns?

Lauren Lawson

3 years ago



Time is money, and convenience is everything when shopping and finding the things you need.

The way we search for things and the rise in consumerism has only brought on innovation for online shopping and searches through devices, such as smartphones, watches, TVs, speakers, and more. They have all evolved and upgraded to our comfort to save ourselves a trip to the store, the hassle of transportation, and overall reinvest time spent on other priorities.

  • “Alexa, add bandaids to my shopping list.”
  • “Hey Siri, find nearby Chinese food delivery.”
  • “Cortana, what is the latest game console to buy.”
  • “Ok, Google, find online yoga classes”

Voice Search: A Must In PPC Strategy

Can you imagine life without a search engine or without smart assistants and devices that can be at your disposition from the ride home in your car or the comfort of your living room sofa?

“27 percent of the online global population is using voice search on mobile.” — Google

Who does PPC search serve in voice search?

Brands currently not adopting voice search optimization for their PPC strategy will get left i the dust; its repercussions can also impact SEO efficiency.

The Influence In PPC Management

Knowing how to optimize for voice search is crucial to make it effective. Consider these points when putting together a PPC strategy that complements voice search optimization.

  • Prioritize mobile optimization
  • Analyze “near me” potential for the service or product you’re advertising for
  • Review keyword selection and ad groups for conversational and question-related keywords

Optimizing for Voice Search

With a grasp on how voice search affects PPC advertising, you are now set for performing an optimization to drive a PPC account in the right direction.

Search Query Review

Voice searches are conversational and involve question-answer intent. Both can be significant indicators of the buyer funnel stage the customer is at and close to converting.

High Intent Phrases

It usually is search queries with local intent and targeting query modifiers such as “near me”, “local,” “nearby” that will indicate a voice search has been performed.
i.e., “Where do I..”, “Hey Cortana….”

Typed Search:Restaurants near me.”
Voice Search:Ok, Google, find a five-star restaurant near me.

Pro-tip: Use the search query report to pick up new local keywords to add to your campaigns. Try creating ad groups to bid on the top-volume voice searches.

Searcher Q & A

Answer questions through ad copy, extensions, and landing page content to targeting voice searchers.
i.e., “Where can I buy a grey sweater?”, “Who sells dishwasher repair parts?” etc.

Voice search queries ready to convert

Pro-tip: Use the search terms report to gain insight into answers you should provide to fulfill searchers’ needs.

Remember that having more relevant landing pages can help your quality scores and ad rank, naturally increasing conversion rates.

Innovate Ad Copies

Review your current ad copies and ensure they are optimized for voice search by relating content that answers search queries. You want to include your previously researched high intent keywords and focus on engaging audiences with the answers to their questions and needs.

Best Practices to Write Ad Copy for your Microsoft & Google Ads

Audiences want immediate results; therefore, aim ad copy content towards important information that can become available immediately.

Business Listing

Voice searches will skip right past a business if information such as phone number, address, hours of operation are not readily available. If a business is local, a business listing should be set up for it.

Call Extensions

It is best practice to include call extensions in ads, especially if a local business is advertised. By adding call extensions, you facilitate searchers to call directly from voice search results and shorten the journey for a customer to convert.

Voice Search On The Rise

Voice search is the dominant search behavior

The goal of voice search optimization is to use the right keywords and show accurate information quickly so that audiences can find a service or product when they search.

Developing a robust PPC strategy around voice search can be challenging; however, you shouldn’t let it get in the way of optimizing your PPC marketing efforts towards the new way searches are being performed and will be performed in the near future.

We always keep on top of trends and updates for all things PPC-related and can help you regroup your PPC marketing strategies to ensure they are top-notch and ahead of the competition.