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Leveraging Shopping Campaigns For Mobile Users

Antonella Saravia

5 years ago



Nowadays, mobile devices are an entry point that no business can afford to ignore. Having a mobile presence is vital to thriving. Why? That is simple–consumers turn to their phone to address their needs the minute it occurs to them. If you’re not there, another brand will be.

For many, connecting with mobile users seems to be a daunting task, but it’s not. If you have an online location, you’re halfway there. Below are the next steps, we’ve included useful principles that can make your online efforts worth the investment.


Staying on top of mobile trends and campaign features is essential to staying ahead of the game. Partnering with an agency like White Shark Media makes this easier as staying informed is a job in itself. Agencies analyze these changes and update their campaigns accordingly.

You can do this through trade publications, news, and mobile advertising.

Quality User Experience

The best way to evaluate the user experience you are providing on your mobile site is to test the site out yourself. Yep! If you’re annoyed, potential consumers will be, too.

Regularly evaluating your site’s user experience will keep you aligned with what information is provided, what products are being highlighted, and more importantly, what opportunities you are missing. Some additional things to consider doing:

  • Remove pop ups, nobody likes them
  • Allow for quick purchases
  • Beware of page loading delays
  • Provide a “Guest Checkout” to relieve the customer of having to create a profile to make the purchase


Again, this point is easier to manage with PPC experts. For one, the initial page of results or “above the fold” on mobile is more limited than what it is on a desktop. Being competitive on mobile requires knowledge of these factors as well as campaigns and ads. An agency can help you with the following elements below:

  • Set the right bid: Optimizing your bids help your ads rank better on products and get you in front of the right shoppers.
  • Original content will help differentiate you from competitors. Without veering too far off, try to establish how your business provides a unique service. In addition to making that distinction, title optimization will make the difference if your shopping ad will show or not.
  • If you have a local store, encourage users to visit it through Local Shopping Ads. They will showcase your venue information and products to nearby shoppers searching for products. A simple click on your ad and they’ll arrive at a Google hosted page with all the pertinent information directing them to your store and answering their immediate questions for a visit. Have you ever walked out with more than you needed? Yes, we all have and it’s because once you’re there, anything can happen!

As stated earlier, mobile devices are an entry point that every business needs to take advantage of. The number of users searching for your products and services is limitless. Many will start their search on their phones to get familiar with a company or product they’re hearing about or happen to come across and continue their purchase in a nearby store or on their computer. This is called cross device conversions and information on this can be available to marketers through Google Ads tracking, another feature worth learning more about in order to understand the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Contact White Shark Media to learn how you can take advantage of Shopping campaigns and connect with more mobile shoppers today.


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