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5 Easy Tips You Need to Optimize Your Blog for Search – Shark Bite [Video]

White Shark Media

8 years ago



SEO is just as important as creating fresh and engaging content. Without it, all your hard work becomes lost in the digital abyss.

You might as well delete your posts as you write them.

Not to worry, though. After you slave and sweat over writing those high-quality articles your readers love, use this checklist of 5 tips to optimize your posts.

Video Transcription

The following are five easy-peasy SEO tips to help your blog get noticed. Let’s take a look at them.

1) Focus on One or Two Long-Tail Keywords

The long-tail keywords are longer, more specific keyword phrases. An example of this could be, “veterinarian for exotic birds in Chicago”, whereas a more general and expensive keyword could be, “veterinary clinic.”

Now, you see long-tail keywords will help you because of two different reasons. Number one, search engines will penalize you if they think you’re overusing the same keywords on your post. Two, the traffic you draw will be better, more focused, more committed, and more desirous of your services.

2) Optimize Your Images

You can optimize your images by adding alt text. For example, the attribute alt=”storm surge” might appear in the html image tag for a photograph of high water during a hurricane. By adding alt text to your images, you’re allowing the search engines to interpret what the image is about. Now, assuming that the image relates to your blog, this will help you increase your SEO rankings.

3) Install a Sitemap

Install a Google Sitemap plugin that gives you a full map of all your pages, posts, and archives. This automatically generates a sitemap at regular intervals, and this submits it to Google, Bing, etc. on your behalf.

4) Link Internally When Possible

For example, if you mention a topic in your blog post that talks about another blog post, e-book, or webpage, you should link to that page. This will not only help relevance, but also gives you post authority.

5) Build up Your Social Media Presence

The ultimate aim for search engines is to follow the trends and behaviors of what real people are doing. And that’s what social media allows you to do. Add to your SEO value by connecting and tweeting with the experts in your industry, adding separate value that doesn’t appear on your posts, or sharing posts from other bloggers.

And that’s all for today, folks. See you next time.

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