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Friends of PPC Marketing: Long-Form Content for Better SEO

Antonella Saravia

2 years ago



Don’t you want the right people to find it for all the hard work you’re investing in your website? SEO is the way of ensuring that that happens. A good SEO strategy aligns with your audience’s curiosities and searches.

Why focus on SEO?

“A site that ranks high on search engine results pages is typically considered high-quality and trustworthy by search engines, and this, in turn, boosts the credibility of your business.”

SEO is important because the strategies complement the content that you’ve created for your website. These methods help it have a more significant impact and reach. Optimizations such as relevance and keywords will contribute to your ranking over time.

That said, the rumor is that SEO takes time, and we’re here to say. Indeed, SEO is not a quick fix. It is a long-term investment to build up, but it is a sure-fire way to rank better in search queries.

This means more traffic.

How does long form contribute to SEO?

If you’re feeling eager to begin there are a few things that you should know…

Long-form content texts are longer than 1,000 words. Usually, this type of content is delivered in blog post form, diving deep into a subject for a reader. Because of its bulk, its content can later be broken down and repurposed across multiple platforms.

Though it has many benefits, long-form content improves SEO by providing value and insights that inform readers.


Lengthy, good content often gets referenced. These posts earn quality backlinks. The more people can gather from your post, the less they have to shop around for it. Your goal is to write such good content that readers consider your website a one-stop shop. If they can trust that you have reliable information they need, it will reflect your search rankings.


According to The State of Content Marketing 2019 by SEMrush, long reads of 3000+ words get 3x more traffic, 4x more shares, and 3.5x more backlinks than articles of average length (901-1200 words).

Longer posts usually dive deeper into subjects, including stats, and so on. If readers deem them worthy, they will share them with others, increasing traffic and engagement.


As Neil Patel once said, the social web prefers content-rich pages.

Website optimization tool Crazy Egg saw its conversion rate increase by more than 30% percent when it increased the length of a landing page by 20x.

Where to begin with long form content?

Longer posts aren’t meant to be skimmed through; they are intended to be read and enjoyed. Most readers are hungry for the information that it provides.

What You’re Saying

You are writing for your client. A good understanding of your reader will help you define the tone that best serves your message.

Do a little digging with your clients, sales representatives, or client managers to determine what questions your readers are looking to answer—that way, any one of them can forward your post to address any of their doubts or concerns.

How You Say It

You know the tone you’ll want to keep with your readers, but try to maintain a text that reads as a credible source of information. You are an expert that’s come to help them out.

If readers go through a lengthy read, you must provide qualified sources, explanations for related topics, and up-to-date stats.

Now, Spice It Up

How? Use Images and links.

We’re visual learners. Data shows that content with images receives more links than without images. Video also works well to increase engagement.

If your business is in the home services industry, including images to show what you mean will help many folks understand what you mean.

Start by creating a structure to your points. Here, you can include topics for your H2 titles.

Moreover, include links to other trustworthy sites. Invite your readers to be related (not competitive) content. It’s a little like networking, and it’ll build relationships with other brands.


As platforms get more and more saturated, organic and longer term methods like long-form content will provide support to your marketing efforts.

It’ll boost your SEO, help rankings, and support PPC. Others can overlook it, while you get started!

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