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Consumer Trends After COVID-19: What to Expect

Antonella Saravia

4 years ago



According to the rules of habit, most of us should be well adjusted to our new routine. Studies are helping marketers and businesses understand consumer trends after COVID-19: what people have been up to and how to reconnect with them in the months ahead.

Below are some of the notes we’ve made sure to communicate with our customers. Read on to check these off your lists of “musts” today!

Online Activity Will Continue to Increase

Although the ideal thing to do right now is to cut costs to save money, we encourage businesses to hold onto your marketing. While it’s usually the first to go, withdrawing online marketing efforts discontinues your connection with your consumers. 

A lack of visibility can even result in consumers thinking you have closed for good! This is a moment to stay top of mind and communicate your products and services (over and over again!) with the public.

Maintaining placements will keep the conversation going. Indeed, consumer behavior proves that people are online. Therefore, online is the place to build relationships and connections. Clearly, this is the way to remind customers you are willing and able to provide them with the products or services that they require. 

Another way to stay relevant is to create helpful content. This contributes to improving your brand’s organic presence. SEO does take a bit longer to have an impact, but now is the time to create content for consumers searching online. Indeed, we expect people to continue with this consumer trend after COVID-19. You can do this yourself by publishing relevant content via (Google my Business, SEO) blogs, articles, etc.

After the Coronavirus, Engaging Content Will Continue to Lead

Given the quarantine, it is safe to assume that receptivity is higher than usual these days. Whether it is shopping or lead generation marketing campaigns, people are eager to interact with others.

That’s why creating engaging content is more important than ever.

Many businesses are thriving because they have found creative ways to support, inform, and engage with their local communities and consumers. Here are a few ideas on how brands have done this:

  • Explanatory videos
  • How to’s
  • Tutorials
  • Virtual tours
  • Webinars
  • Video calls
  • Live videos

TIP: Our digital marketing strategists suggest changing your CTAs to relevant phrases. If people are no longer able to book appointments with you, adjust the CTA to “Book a meeting online!”

Other phrases that might work could be “generate a call”, “fill-out a contact form”, and “let’s chat online.”

Customers are Being Priced Sensitive and Care Much More

What we have stressed to our partners is that we are all in this together. Now, more than ever, consumers will value brands that offer special discounts and promotions to their customers. People are price sensitive.

On the other hand, it’s common knowledge that consumers are driven by brand marketing. The brand experience has always been important to cultivate loyalty, but a few other factors will begin to influence greatly: how businesses treat their own employees, why they keep stores open, and whether they’re focused on price rather than supporting the community.

Without a doubt, it’s important for your business to communicate a genuine interest in what is happening and find ways to stay afloat without being insensitive.


According to Simeon Siegel, Managing Director at BMO Capital Markets, “It would seem that the Coronavirus pandemic is accelerating the structural changes we’ve seen across society for the last decade — toward online interaction.

Many were prepared to make a switch to an online-based advertising effort, but this was an unexpected push for some others. Whether it was your main focus or not, you can make changes today.

With consumer trends after COVID-19 pointing to more demanding customers, it’ll be important to adjust your campaigns and strengthen your online presence. Begin by looking at the points we’ve mentioned above.

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