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Ad Writing 101: Writing Headlines PART 2

Antonella Saravia

5 years ago



Ad writing is more of an art than anything else. It’s not just filling in the blanks. Setting your keyword aside, you are limited to 30 or so characters for the rest of your headline.

Naturally, the words you choose will weigh on the headline’s effectiveness. Continue reading for pointers on how to select the terms you’ll be using in your ads. 

Vocabulary Cheat Sheet

Below are a series of lists (a cheat sheet of sorts) that will come in handy when writing copy. It’s a brainstorm of creative ideas flowing that help strategists group words to come up with headlines.

Match Your Headline With Your Brand & Your Audience

Chances are if writing copy feels easy, you might be doing something wrong. It’s takes time to create positive, effective copy together off a whim. It takes quite a bit of filtering to find the appropriate words that align with your brand and reach your target audience as well.

People searching on Google are savvy buyers. If you claim to have low prices, you’re likely to get a pretty good CTR. Just make sure that you’re claim to fame is true so that people don’t jump off right after. A classic mistake is when company ads promise “cheap XYZ services,” but they are actually aligned with competitor prices. 

Pricing is one factor with which you can attract the wrong audience. It’s a slippery slope once you get into price claims, so make sure to always keep your ideal consumer in mind. 

In addition, keep in mind that a high-end product or service is expected to have a lower CTR than a low-end product. There are a lot more potential buyers for low-end products.

Responsive Search Ads

Responsive search ads let you create an ad that adapts to show more text—and more relevant messages—to your customers. Enter multiple headlines and descriptions when creating a responsive search ad, and over time, Google Ads will automatically test different combinations and learn which combinations perform best. By adapting your ad’s content to more closely match potential customers’ search terms, responsive search ads may improve your campaign’s performance.

How It Works

The more headlines and descriptions you enter, the more opportunities Google Ads has to serve ads that more closely match your potential customers’ search queries, which can improve your ad performance.

After you enter headlines and descriptions, Google Ads assembles the text into multiple ad combinations in a way that avoids redundancy, different from expanded text ads, you can provide up to 15 headlines and 4 descriptions for a single responsive search ad. Next, in any given ad, a maximum of 3 headlines and 2 descriptions will be selected to show in different combinations and orders. Over time, Google Ads will test the most promising ad combinations, and learn which combinations are the most relevant for different queries.

Testing Headlines Without The Main Keyword

These types of headlines have been tested across various White Shark Media accounts:  both in high and low volume client accounts.

The gist is that they can actually work, but they can also fail miserably!

About 60% of tests managed to achieve better performance by not using the keyword. It wasn’t as simple as removing the keyword, but the change did also free up characters to write a more enticing headline.

We highly recommend our clients to try this out for their campaigns as it really is a matter of testing it out to know if its effective. 

When trying out different ads, it’s important to monitor them closely. If the ad doesn’t work, the CTR will decrease. That will be your red flag. Remember that taking out the keyword from the ad headline won’t automatically get better results.

As strategies and trends change, what constitutes a good Ads Headline shifts as well. It is no longer limited to inserting your main keywords in your headline or using Dynamic Keyword Insertion.

Regardless of your business type, a great practice is to focus on triggering an emotional response from potential customers and in that way match the headline with the target audience. Staying up-to-date with changing factors can assist you in knowing what and when to tweak. 




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