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4 AdWords Mistakes You Are Making And How To Fix Them – Shark Bite [Video]

White Shark Media

8 years ago



Search marketers know Google Ads is an excellent way to bring traffic to your website. However, it can be expensive if not handled correctly. Fortunately, most mistakes are easily reversible.

For this Shark Bite, I will be going over 4 common AdWords campaign mistakes and how to fix each of them.


AdWords mistakes can be costly but are often easy to fix. Here are 4 of the most common mistakes we have found while working with small businesses and how to revert them.

1) Using the Wrong Settings

The way you set up your campaign is the first thing that will determine its success or failure. If you’re using the wrong settings, you’re guaranteed to end up wasting money.

The only way to make sure you have the right settings is to define your goals before-hand and align your settings accordingly.

For example, if you are in an area with a high population of Hispanics, not targeting Spanish as a language, as well as English, will make you miss out on potential customers.

2) Not Tracking

Unless you’re tracking the results of your advertising you’ll never know if your ads are being profitable. In fact, you’re probably losing money every month by not updating the campaigns that aren’t working.

Google Analytics offers many options when it comes to setting goals and tracking them. For example, you can track how long people stay on your website. You only need to set the specific length of time that you want to track and Analytics will count whenever a visitor reaches this threshold.

3) Not Message-Matching Your PPC Ads

Message matching is when you align your ad headline and your landing page perfectly. Not doing it means no conversions.

But why? Well, a good message match assures the visitor they have arrived at the right place.

A user that clicks on an ad, will want to land on the correct landing page of your product, rather than your homepage. Otherwise, it will cause confusion.

Don’t make it any harder than you have to for your user to find what you’re selling.

4) Treating Desktop and Mobile the Same

Mobile has officially become the most popular way to search online. The thing is, advertising on mobile and desktop yields different performances.

The best way to make sure your site is optimized for mobile is to take the Mobile-Friendly test offered by Google. It’s for free… so no excuses!

Users have come to expect mobile-friendly pages, so your standard “desktop optimized” website probably won’t make it.

And that’s it for today!

If you want to learn more about AdWords subscribe to our YouTube channel here or visit our blog, bye!

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