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Four AdWords Features You Shouldn’t Ignore in 2016 – Shark Bite [Video]

White Shark Media

8 years ago



In this Shark Bite, Andrew goes over the four AdWords features you absolutely need to look into in 2016.

AdWords is always evolving and coming out with new features to improve campaign performance and aid in increasing ROI.

These four features are easy to use and in this Shark Bite we include helpful explanations on how to implement them to get the most out of them.

Structured Snippets, Call-Only campaigns, Customer Match and Trueview for Shopping Campaigns are the four features you don’t want to ignore in 2016.

Thanks for watching, we hope you enjoyed our Shark Bite. Until next time!

Video Transcription

Hi everybody and Happy New Year’s. I’m Andrew Lolk and today we’ll be talking about the four AdWords features that we believe you should dig into in 2016.

Start 2016 With Structure

We’ll start off light with one of the latest additions to the ad extension portfolio: structured snippets. Structured snippets were rolled out in August, and they basically allow you to have an extra line of ad text in your ads on Google search engine. Structured snippets are very similar to what you know as the callout extension. The only real difference is that structured snippets are more rigid. You only have 10 preset values to choose from.

As a local business, we recommend that you go with the neighborhoods type, and for an e-commerce store, you can rather go with the brands instead. Make sure you choose the snippet that fits your business type the best. Don’t try to just force values into your snippet that doesn’t make sense. It’ll either just either be banned or make your ad look sub par.

Call on the Go…

It’s no secret that this summer, mobile searches surpassed the amount of desktop searches. And funny enough, Google launched call-only campaigns right before we saw that this year. Call-only campaigns are different than the regular campaigns. With a regular campaigns, you can click and go to a website. With call-only, you can only click to call. This means that call-only campaigns currently only show up on devices that are ready to make a phone call.

The fact that call-only campaigns only allows for calls and not clicks makes for a very different dynamic than with regular ads. Seeing that every single action is a call, then a) you’ll get a much greater value out of each action the user takes, but seeing that there’s more value, then people will also start bidding higher. It’s therefore very important that you understand the value that you’re getting from every single phone call so that you can manage your bids accordingly.

Target the Masses with Ease

The third AdWords feature that you need to keep in mind is Customer Match. Customer Match lets you upload a list of email addresses that you’ve collected, so whenever they’re logged into YouTube, Gmail or just their regular Google account, then you can target them and modify your bids or target them specifically.

So I’ll start going through a couple of different tips for using Customer Match the best way. The first thing I want to recommend is that you make sure the name provided to your email list matches the acquisition method of your list or any other attributes of that particular list. For instance, this can be first-time shoppers or if it’s just emails from an e-book download, make sure you tag them accordingly.

The second thing I want you to try out is similar audiences. Seeing that Google now have a list of the people that’ve bought from you or downloaded your e-book or whatever it is, then Google has a feature where you can choose a similar audience. With Similar Audience, they’ll look at the same demographic and the same online behavior to try to allow you to target more of the similar type of people.

Seeing is Believing

The fourth and last feature I want to talk about today is TrueView for shopping campaigns. TrueView for shopping campaigns allow you to serve shopping ads, shopping ads with the price and product image, directly on YouTube. That means the consumers can actually see the product and see an ad for that specific product in the ad and purchase from your website.

With TrueView for shopping campaigns, it works basically the same way as regular shopping campaigns. You still have to use the feed that you have for Merchant Center and you still have to make sure that all the other regular things are set up, just like you would with shopping ad campaigns. This format is exclusively for in-streaming video ads on YouTube.

Go that Extra Step

Google has released that fact that over half of the searches on YouTube come from mobile devices. So remember to take that into account when you choose what products you want to show or advertise on YouTube. And last pro tip is make sure you enable dynamic marketing on YouTube because that will just be one extra step that you can target the users that have already been to your site.

And that’s it. Thank you for watching and I hope that you’re going to make use of these cool new features throughout 2016.