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The Secret Recipe Behind a Successful Ecommerce Holiday Strategy



If you’re an avid blog reader, I’m sure that by now, you’ve read “holidays being around the corner” quite a lot. And this year isn’t like any other holiday season. Since 2020 when the pandemic started, we’ve seen a constant rise for eCommerce businesses to sell products online. That hasn’t changed. However, the rest of our audience has. Today, more people are shopping online earlier than ever. Just as your potential shoppers are preparing for the holiday season beforehand, it is only right for you to do the same.

This season, we’re here to help you figure out the best approach for your eCommerce store to keep those numbers rising and customers returning for more.

Early Holiday Shopping and Convenience

This season, holiday shopping starts early, and it also demands options for customers’ convenience, such as more pick-up options. It is no surprise that curbside pickup has become very popular for many eCommerce businesses. If possible, ensure that you include the convenience of these delivery options for your customers in your ad copy, too!

More people are also checking out product availability online before moving in-store. This is an excellent opportunity to keep your online inventory updated as you drive more shoppers to shop in-store. Besides these convenient choices we’re giving to our customers, we also need to emphasize what they’re looking for.

For instance, if you have an eCommerce store with no physical store, you’ll relate more to the next tip we’re going to point out, which is to keep your product categories relevant and fresh. This means that, as people browse through your online store, you want them to have a seamless experience where they find everything they need without having to go through extensive searches for specific products.

The best approach to make the most of this is to align shoppers’ observed behaviors to your product categories, such as connecting the varying delivery options to product categories where shoppers usually need those options like groceries. It certainly is convenient to have these methods in practice to ensure early holiday shoppers don’t stumble upon any mishaps while shopping on your website.

Be Explicit About Everything

What better way to attract customers than by telling them about all the deals they could be taking advantage of for this season?

Whether it’s holiday deals or free shipping methods, shoppers this year are very likely to be more driven towards shops offering the same products that aren’t in stock on their other preferred shops. Thanks to this, your eCommerce store can take advantage of similar inventory by making it as visible as possible for people looking for specific items to buy.

At the same time, according to a Think with Google article by Jane Butler, shoppers will hold on to completing a purchase until the discounted prices are up. This rising trend follows the shopping behavior of planning out holiday shopping early but waiting until Black Friday or Cyber Monday to buy a product until it is officially on sale at the store.

Go Mobile or Go Home

Mobile-friendly websites are a must this holiday season and every other season. If by any chance, you know your website isn’t optimized for mobile devices, this is a reminder to make sure you do it as soon as you can! Online shopping has the versatility of doing it from a desktop, tablet, phone — even a smart fridge.

Good and Bad mobile friendle online store

It has become a fundamental part of having a running website with a good flow for users to shop around the online store. More people decide to browse on their mobile devices before completing a purchase. Thanks to social media advertising, people are also more inclined to check out a new brand from the devices at the palm of their hands before moving forward on a transaction.

As a business owner, you want your business to look good everywhere, and this is why ensuring that your store looks good on mobile is a priority. Many popular eCommerce retailers have invested in an accessible and easy-to-browse website for their mobile customers, so what are you waiting for?

This holiday season attracts more people than ever by putting some love into making your website mobile-friendly for your customers.

Automation Is Your Best Friend

Don’t know if you’ll be able to stay on top of every single one of your users’ trends and behaviors when browsing online and your website? Leave that to your new best friend this holiday season, automation.

Automating tasks is essential for this season to have smoother management in the midst of all the holiday shopping chaos. Thanks to smart algorithms, you can rest easy this season while you trust that your advertising campaigns will be taken care of, and smart bidding and real-time bidding will push forward more conversions.

Worry not about bidding strategies nor bid adjustments with smart bidding, as it will keep your goals at the top of mind to maximize revenue and conversions. Implementing automated bidding can benefit you by saving you time and boosting your bidding process to get more leads.

Smart Shopping campaigns are also a great way to include automation in your to-do list for a holiday strategy. Smart campaigns are notorious for providing agility to campaign management while getting more bang for your bucks.

Put Yourself In Their Shoes

Being empathetic in your ads will help you connect with your customers to another level. During these trying times, shoppers are looking for brands with whom they can connect, and you can appeal to their emotions through your ad copy. Speak to them in your headlines and descriptions like you’re talking to a friend. Recommend your best products and point out how they will benefit from selecting those products. For instance, highlight whenever possible if this is a fitting gift for their parents, significant others, and co-workers.

We’ve all experienced similar situations during the pandemic, so it should make it easier for you to know what other people must be thinking about when they browse through similar products to the ones you’re selling. We now know that there are new needs and concerns, and you can address those. As we’ve mentioned earlier in this blog, people are looking for convenience with delivery methods and product items in stock in alternative stores than the ones they’re used to. In fact, these are all great reasons in which you can connect with your shoppers while fulfilling their expectations when it comes to shopping online for the holidays.

Want More?

Before you go, make sure to check out our video about more tips you can implement for your ecommerce store holiday strategy. Watch below:

Marketing tips for the holidays

In Summary

Preparing for the holiday season is more than just ensuring that there’s enough inventory; it’s also about enhancing your website’s experience so customers keep coming back. We have to take a look at the current trends we’re seeing in customers’ shopping behaviors.

This holiday season, keep your ecommerce strategy running smoothly with these digital marketing ingredients.

  • Make sure that you highlight in your ad copy all the convenient delivery methods for shoppers looking for curbside pick-up options.
  • Don’t leave anything unsaid while people search for specific product items in different stores if they’re out of stock in other stores.
  • Capture an audience browsing on their mobile devices and make your brand multichannel present.
  • This season, don’t worry about being busy making bid adjustments and let Google’s smart algorithm take care of those tasks for you.
  • Connect with your shoppers and relate to their needs this season.